Do you want to prevent mold from appearing on the walls and ceilings of your home? Then this article is for you.

Do you want to prevent mold from appearing on the walls and ceilings of your home? Then this article is for you.

  • 2021-08-17

One of the most common problems in homes, especially in the winter months, is the appearance of damp and mold on the walls. This is due to several factors such as deficiencies in insulation, construction problems, insufficient airing and ventilation of spaces, etc. When building or remodeling your home, whether it's a house or apartment, invest in your family's quality of life and health. Humidity can enhance the appearance of some pathologies or aggravate existing ones. SECOLITE® Cement Board is resistant to mold and mildew, so its use in the construction or remodeling of your home can avoid serious future problems.

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